sábado, 24 de outubro de 2009

My Attic24 Rainbow Crochet Bag is finished... So beautiful...

Minha bolsa arco-íris está pronta...

Caramba, ficou muuuuito linda!
Recebi muitos elogios com ela.

Hello insistiu que queria uma flor... Ficou puxando meu caderno onde estavam coladas as instruções e a foto da flor e apontando pra ela... 1 ano e 2  meses e já sabe o que quer... Pena que levei quase uns dez minutos pra entender o que ela queria. Hahahaha!!! Infelizmente esqueci de tirar uma foto legal com ela fazendo carinho na flor-broche que ela insistiu que queria... Mas nessa dá pra ver ela com a flor na blusa...

Fiz em fio duplo de Anne com ag. 3mm pra ficar bem firme e as flores/folhas fiz com fio duplo de Anne mas com agulha 4mm, já que não havia necessidade de ficar tão firme. Comecei fazendo broches e pregando na bolsa, costurando as folhas e flores. Me irritou então resolvi colar tudo com cola quente. Super fácil e rápido e super firme!!!

Hi! My rainbow bag is finished...
It turned out sooo beautiful!!!
I received many compliments on it.

Hello insisted that she wanted a flower ... She was pulling my notebook where the instructions and photos of the flowers were glued and pointing to her ... 1 year and 2 months doesn't talk but already knows what she wants ... Too bad it took me nearly ten minutes to understand what she wanted. Hahahaha! Unfortunately I forgot to take better pictures with her caressing the flower-brooch she insisted she wanted ... But in that one you can see the flower in her blouse... 

I used double threads of Anne with ag. 3mm to create a strong fabric in the bag, but with the flowers and leaves I used a 4mm crochet needle. There was no need to be so strong. I started making brooches and preaching in the bag, sewing the leaves and flowers. It irritated me so that I decided to paste it with hot glue. Super easy, super fast and super strong!

Pattern: Crochet Bag Pattern (Ravelry link) from Attic24
Fio: Anne (duplo) - 14 cores
Agulha de crochê: 3mm

Pattern: Crochet Flowers and Leaves from Attic24
Fio: Anne (duplo) - 5 cores em cada
Agulha de crochê: 4mm

Um comentário:

Attic24 disse...

Your bag looks sooo beautiful, it really is like a rainbow!!
Wonderful to see it :o)Lxxxxxxxxxxx